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Archive for the ‘Odd Videos’ Category

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Why arn’t there more songs about trains? What about Blueberries? Yummm

I love insects, and strange scorpions are always intriguing.

This whale has killed 3 people at three different Sea Worlds in less than 20 years. Sometimes wild things should stay wild, or maybe just not meant to be tamed. I also suppose that is why they call them “Killer Whales”, but this one in particular may have some pent up aggression and childhood issues. Why was this whale allowed to continue performing after the first death??? ALSO if you rearrange the name Tilikum, you will get (Ti Kil Um). Say itĀ five times fast and you’ll see why this was a fitting name for this savage beast. These animals should not be in captivity in my opinion.

I loved the old toy commercials from the 80’s, I had this guy Modulok, and Yes it was every but as cool as the ad implies. Long live He-Man!!!

Sometimes people start a war. Sometimes people smoke some drugs.

This video is really cool. Smoke some drugs and chill out. GOT IT?

I need to teach my dog Face how to do this!

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